Meetings Newsletter Show-n-Tell

July 2023

The July meeting saw a good number of modelers (24) present with many models (42+), especially for the summer months as this is normally a time of reduced model production.  It was good to share with everyone present.  Enjoy the models!

Nate Swift: 1/48 J1N1 Gecko by Tamiya; 1/72 ki-27 Nate;  Hasegawa

Patrick ‘Doc’ Haugh:  Ki-87 experimental 1/72 Pavla; Ki-54 Hickory 1/72 Special Hobby

Phil Allen:  1/72 Plamax crab mk. 1; gun turret  for scratch ship

Gerry Whiteside: Hasegawa 1/72 A-4E Blue Angels

Bill Suggs:  Hasegawa 1/72 Ki-43 Hayabusa; Hasegawa 1/48 Ki-84 George

Johnathan Wright: 1/72 Hasegawa Emily; G4M1 Betty 1/72 AMT (Hasegawa).

Carl Eckmeyer:  1/48 Tamiya A6M2-N Rufe and Ki-84 George

Justin Reed:  Tamiya 1/72 Spitfire Mk. I; 1/72 Tamiya F-16C block 50 Falcon

David Fuller:  1/72 Fine Molds Q1W1 Lorna; 1/72 Ka-14, prototype A5M  Claude; 1/72 Ka-Go autogyro;  1/72 T-6 Texan as a Tota Tora Tora Zero; about 1/285 Battle Tech figures; Nautilus Models (

Bill Brierton:  1/48 Monogram OS2U-3 Kingfisher; 1/48 Revell P-40B Warhawk

Vince Mankowski: 1/48 Testors YV-22 Osprey, 1/72 Testors YV-22 Osprey, both are FSD ship #1.  1/48 Academy F-86F “Blueprint” Sabre.

Tim Holland:  1/200 B-17 home printed; box of 1/72 Monogram Mustangs, and a Focke Wulf or two for “Mustangs and Messerschmitts” game

Paul Warren:  Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire Mk. IX

Scott Samo:  Arma Hobby 1/72 Ki-84 George

Chris Thuot:  Academy 1/72 F-14A Tomcat; Tamiya 1/48 P-38G

Dan Yakel:  Meng 1/35 M2A4 Leopard; Tamiya 1/35 Archer tank destroyer; Tamiya 1/48 He219A-7 Uhu.

Joe Hegedus:  Hasegawa 1/32 Ki-44 Tojo; Italeri 1/48 UH-1N Huey SAR.

Josh Peng:  AMT 1/72 F-14A Tomcat

Other models I did not get information for prior to the meeting breaking up!

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