
Reply To: Not a Japanese Zero Update – List of Kits going to US Nats

Home Forums SoMD Members Forum Not a Japanese Zero Update – List of Kits going to US Nats Reply To: Not a Japanese Zero Update – List of Kits going to US Nats

Patrick Haugh

    Tachikawa Ki-54 <i>Otsu. </i>Gunnery and R/T trainer


    Kugisho R2Y1 <i>Keiun </i>(beautiful cloud) Twin engine single propellor. No Allied code name, as it was destroyed before the Allies knew of it’s existence

    Mitsubishi L3N Transport version of the G3M “Nell”


    Nakajima Ki-87 Prototype high altitude supercharged interceptor. No Allied code name AFAIK.


    Ha-Go  IJA autogyro