OK. Yesterday I had 9 items in the bin. Sent out 5. Leaving me with 4. Today, 4 more came in, bringing the bin up to 8. It must be that time of the month. While I have the time, let’s shoot out another Blast. Thinning the bin a bit.
Should anyone want to download a Newsletter file and are unable to do so contact me and I will see what we can work out. I should have the Newsletter on my computer.
IPMS/AMPS Chattanooga
IPMS Granite State Modelers Club
IPMS Marietta Scale Modelers
IPMS Prison City Modelers
IPMS Winnebago Auto Modelers
Happy Modeling
Mark E. Young, Jr.
IPMS 5494a
IPMS Chapter Newsletter Distribution Guy
Please use myoung.IPMS.5494a@gmail.com for all Newsletter correspondence and submissions..