OK, day two of working on catching up. (I am still behind, but not as much) Thought I would knock this out before tackling the seemingly ever expanding stack of boxes to be opened and then finding a place for the contents.
Should anyone want to download a Newsletter file and are unable to do so contact me and I will see what we can work out. I should have the Newsletter on my computer.
IPMS Delaware Valley Scale Modelers
IPMS Marietta Scale Modelers
Please note format irregularities were present in the file I received.
IPMS Oklahoma Historical Modelers’ Society
IPMS Orange County
See Marietta Scale Modelers note, other than this Newsletter came in at just over 10 meg. I still had to compress it to a usable file size.
IPMS Denver
IPMS Colorado Springs
Happy Modeling
Mark E. Young, Jr.
IPMS 5494a
IPMS Chapter Newsletter Distribution Guy
Please use myoung.IPMS.5494a@gmail.com for all Newsletter correspondence and submissions..