
Reply To: 1/72 VX-23 decals needed

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Joe Hegedus

    Dan, I don’t think any 1/72 VX-23 decals exist, other than maybe (and this is a really BIG maybe) a T-45 on  a Caracal sheet.  I know they did the T-45 in 1/48, and may have done it in 1/72 as well.  There are 1/48 sheets for the T-45, F-14, and F-18A-F, but that’s all that I know of.  There were a couple of ancient sheets that included some NATC/SATD jets (A-4M on an old Microscale sheet and an F-4J on a sheet that I think came from the UK many moons ago, and Hasegawa boxed their 1/72 FA-18A as “D’Skunk” which was an SATD jet, but that’s all I’ve ever seen.

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Joe Hegedus.