We had 31 members present.

20221215_191551We welcomed two new members to the club: Will Clark and Gregg Hurla.

30 members participated in the Christmas gift exchange and stealing event.  Some folks are pictured multiple times because they kept getting the model they opened stolen and had to go back for another!  The stealing devolved into a free-for-all as no one really wanted the 1/35 M-10 Tank Destroyer that was the last kit to take and we slowly, painfully, and hilariously watched as most of the models reached three (3) steals and were ‘locked’.  A good time was had by all based on the laughter and general goofiness that took place.

20221215_202835A REAL TREAT was the placement of the completed “Rickshaw” at the meeting.  The Rickshaw has been a ‘gag gift’ in the club for many Christmas exchanges and it keeps going home with someone new each year.  Last year, Phill Allen’s son wound up with it and he actually BUILT IT to bring back.  Unfortunately he was not feeling well on the night of the meeting, but Dad (Phill) brought it in to share with the members.  He added rockets with fuses to each side and generally dressed it up a bit with fantasy upgrades, and did a fantastic job on the model itself.

20221215_194050This year’s ‘gag gift’ was a 1/32 Sweet Potato Stand by Arii; and it went home with Gregg Hurla (first meeting, and he is the one who gets the gag!).  Gregg also has a 1/48 train set in his mancave, and was contemplating the similarity in scale to go ahead and build it and add it to his train layout.  Time will tell if he does so, or it gets returned and is a potential model in next year’s gift exchange!


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